Spot Foto yang Sayang Dilewatkan Saat Liburan di Bromo

Spot Foto yang Sayang Dilewatkan Saat Liburan di Bromo. Saat sebelum berwisata ke Gunung Bromo, yakinkan anda telah tau apapun yang ingin dikerjakan disana, termasuk juga tahu spot-spot photo paling baik yang dapat anda peroleh di Bromo.

Dengan tahu beberapa tempat yang bakal anda kunjungi sepanjang wisata di Bromo, sekurang-kurangnya anda dapat mempersiapkan baju yang pas ataupun settingan di cameramu untuk sesuai dengan keadaan di lapangan. Anda bisa liburan ke Gunung Bromo dengan murah jika beli paket wisata Bromo dari Go Happy Holiday yang merupakan salah satu travel agent terbaik.Spot Foto yang Sayang Dilewatkan Saat Liburan di Bromo

Tersebut disini 10 spot photo di Gunung Bromo yang tidak bisa anda terlewat!

1. Penanjakan 1

Salah satu Spot Foto yang Sayang Dilewatkan Saat Liburan di Bromo yaitu Penanjakan 1 atau yang dikenal juga dengan Gunung Penanjakan itu adalah view pointt untuk lihat sunrise di Gunung Bromo. Spot itu yaitu menu harus yang perlu anda kunjungi untuk memperoleh photo Gunung Bromo pada pagi hari waktu sunrise nampak serta kabut perlahan-lahan menghilang.

Gunung Penanjakan mempunyai tinggi 2770 mdpl, lebih tinggi dari Gunung Bromo. Untuk meraih kesini anda butuh menyewa jeep/hardtop, lantaran kendaraan umum tak dapat meraih spot itu. Dari spot itu, anda dapat lihat Gunung Bromo, Gunung Batok, Gunung Kursi, serta Gunung Semeru.

2. Penanjakan 2

Spot Foto yang Sayang Dilewatkan Saat Liburan di Bromo yang kedua adalah Penanjakan 2 sudah sempat ditutup disebabkan longsor, tetapi saat ini sudah di buka kembali. Spot photo itu dapat anda buat jadi alternatif dari penanjakan 1 bila bertandang ke Gunung Bromo di waktu puncak musim berlibur.

Untuk menuju ke penanjakan 2, anda memerlukan tenaga lebih, lantaran 1/2 perjalanan mesti anda tempuh dengan jalan kaki. Tetapi janganlah cemas, pemandangan yang anda peroleh disini sangat menarik.

3. Pasir berbisik

Nah, anda tak bisa melupakan yang satu itu waktu berwisata ke Gunung Bromo, yakni berfoto-foto di ruang kaldera pasir atau lebih di kenal dengan nama pasir berbisik. Kaldera pasir sendiri meruapakan sisa letusan yang memuntahkan pasir ke lokasi itu.

Tempat itu benar-benar sangat hits di lokasi wisata Gunung Bromo, jadi tidak heran bila banyak wisatawan yang berniat berhenti sesaat serta berfoto ‘ala-ala’ disini.

4. Tangga menuju kawah Bromo

Spot Foto yang Sayang Dilewatkan Saat Liburan di Bromo ini dapat tak kalah hits nya dengan pasir berbisik. seputar 240 an anak tangga itu dapat anda buat jadi spot photo pilihan. anda dapat ambillah latar belakang anak tangga turun atau anak tangga naiknya. Keduanya sama menariknya.

5. Kawah Gunung Bromo

Berfoto dengan latar belakang kawah Gunung Bromo juga tak bisa ketinggal! Mengabadikan photo dengan latar itu seperti mensahkan perjalananmu di Gunung Bromo. Photo itu dapat juga jadi bukti bila anda pernah meraih puncaknya dengan menaiki beberapa ratus anak tangga yang cukup melelahkan. Terus siaga serta waspada ya, bila ingin selfie di tepi kawah Bromo.

6. Gunung Batok

Gununng itu bersebelahan dengan Gunung Bromo serta Gunung Semeru. Dari terlalu jauh terlihat ditutupi oleh tumbuhan berwarna hijau.

Anda dapat ambillah photo dengan latar belakang Gunung batok waktu ada dibawah, atau ditengahnya perjalanan menuju puncak Bromo.

7. Bukit Teletubbies

Bukit teletubbies sejatinya adalah padang savanna yang sangatlah luas dengan panorama hijau sejauh mata melihat. Bukitnya yang bergelombang serta membuatnya terlihat seperti bukit di serial anak teletubbies.

8. Photo berbarengan kuda Bromo

Bila anda menyewa kuda untuk meraih puncak bromo, janganlah terlewat peluang untuk berfoto berbarengan kuda-kuda itu. Kapan sekali lagi anda dapat berfoto waktu menunggangi kuda ditempat seindah Bromo?

9. Pura Mulia Poten

Pura itu adalah pusat aktivitas upacara orang-orang suku Tengger. Spot ini dapat sangatlah fotogenik untuk diabadikan, terlebih tempatnya yang ada di tengahnya kaldera yang luas, serta latar belakang gunung di lokasi itu.

10. Puncak B29

Spot itu termasuk lebih sepi serta tidak sering di ketahui oleh beberapa wisatawan. Rute menuju ke tempat itu cukup berliku bila anda melalui rute lereng Gunung Semeru.

Dari puncak b29, anda bisa lihat perkebunan Argosari yang sejajar dengan pegunungan Mahameru (Gunung Semeru). Diluar itu, anda dapat juga nikmati lokasi wisata Bromo dari ketinggian itu yang mencakup lautan pasir Bromo dengan hamparan awan putih ciri khas dari panorama Bromo waktu sunrise.

Tips Liburan ke Gunung Bromo Agar Mudah

Tips Liburan ke Gunung Bromo Agar Mudah, Lihat spot sunrise Bromo yang paling memukau hanya di puncak Bromo! Tidaklah heran, obyek wisata yang berada di Malang ini banjir wisatawan baik lokal ataupun luar negeri.

Dengan ketinggian 2. 392 mtr. dpl serta suhu pada 20º – 2º pastinya tidaklah perjalanan yang gampang. Apa sekali lagi untuk pemula.

Tips Liburan ke Gunung Bromo Agar Mudah

Walau bertandang kesini tidak hadapi halangan berat seperti waktu aktivitas mendaki, Anda juga akan hadapi beragam problem bila tidak mengerti panduan Bromo tur ini.

Bukannya senang, Anda bebrapa dapat kapok ingin balik kesana. Biar lebih mudah, Anda dapat membeli Paket tour Bromo yang murah dan dapat membuat Anda puas dengan pelayanan yang baik dari Rifa Tour.Tips Liburan ke Gunung Bromo Agar Mudah

Rencanakan Perjalanan Bromo Tur Dengan Matang

Anjuran kami, janganlah pergi ke Gunung Bromo dadakan! Pasalnya obyek wisata ini senantiasa penuh serta tidak sempat sepi pengunjung. Ada paling tidak 550. 000 turis lokal serta asing yang datang selama th..

Anda mesti berebut sarana dan saat paling baik untuk melihat keindahan gunung serta bromo sunrise.

Saat bertandang yang terbaik yaitu musim kemarau, pada Mei hingga Oktober. Bulan-bulan ini akan tidak buat perjalanan terganggu karna hujan.

Diluar itu, mencari info se-detail mungkin saja dari mulai bagaimana rute menuju kesana. Terutama apabila Anda dari luar kota.
Mencari Moment Paling baik

Nah, Bromo juga mempunyai beberapa moment perlu seperti upacara Kasada, festival jazz serta yang lain. Mencari info sedetail mungkin saja. Siapa tahu Anda mujur serta berjumpa dengan moment sepesial begini.

Th. 2016 saja, festival jazz di Gunung Bromo mengundang sederet artis populer seperti The Groove, Shaggy Dog, Ian Scionti Trio dari Spanyol serta banyak sekali lagi.

Bila upacara Kasada biasanya dikerjakan di tanggal spesifik kalender Jawa. Jadi yakinkan info begini Anda peroleh.

Booking Penginapan Lebih Awal

Sesudah hari paling baik ketemu, waktunya booking tempat. Kerjakan ini jauh-jauh hari agar tidak kehabisan.

Tanyakan dengan juga agen wisata yang Anda tentukan agar tidak kewalahan mendekati hari-H. Umumnya mereka meng-cover beberapa hal begini.

Jagalah Fisik Supaya Tetaplah Sehat serta Bugar

Di Gunung Bromo, Anda juga akan lakukan perjalanan yang panjang. Dari mulai melalui 250 anak tangga, naik jeep dan hal yang lain yang cukup melelahkan.

Belum juga dengan cuaca berlebihan seperti angin serta keadaan udara yang dingin tapi kering.

Understand of Mount Bromo Tengger Semeru

Understand of Mount Bromo Tengger Semeru – This a national park is named after its two mountains, Mount Semeru (the highest in Java 3,676 m), Mount Bromo (the most popular) and the Tengger people who inhabit the area.

Mount Semeru also known as Mahameru (“Gunung Agung”), is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. The most striking thing about this mountain is the fact that it erupts periodically (and very reliably). Every 20 minutes or so, the volcano pours down a huge cloud of steam and smoke, sometimes interspersed with ash and rock. Climbing Mount Semeru requires some planning and permission from the park authorities. This mountain is often closed due to its very active nature.

Mount Bromo (2,329 m) is easily recognizable because the entire upper part has been destroyed and the crater in it constantly contaminates white sulfur fumes. We provide Bromo Tour Package. The place is inside a massive Tengger caldera. with a diameter of about 10km, is surrounded by the Sand Sea (Sea of ​​Sand) fine volcanic sand. The overall effect does not make any sense unnaturally, especially when compared to the lush green valleys around the caldera.

The main access point is Cemoro Lawang (also Cemara Lawang or Cemora Lawang – blame East Java accent!) At the northeast end of the caldera, but there are also trails from Tosari (northwest) and Ngadas (southwest). Ngadisari village, on the road from Probolinggo about 5.5 km before Cemoro Lawang, marks the entrance of the national park. Both Cemoro Lawang and Ngadisari are rather beautiful, with the house painted brightly and the expanse of flowers outside.

The Tenggerese

The area in and around the park is inhabited by the Tenggerese, one of the few significant Hindu communities remaining on the island of Java. The local religion is a remnant of the Majapahit era and therefore very similar to Bali but even with other animist elements. The Tenggerese are believed to be descendants of the Majapahit princes and taken to the hills after mass arrivals in the pious Madurese area of ​​the 19th century. These Madurese immigrants were laborers working for Dutch coffee planters and indigenous Hindu inhabitants in the region soon found out that they were losing a lot and converting to Islam or fleeing to the unfriendly high mountain peak where they live today.

This religion is quite low although it can be (of course compared to Bali) with the most visible manifestation of faith is the rather hard Poten temple in the sea of ​​sand. The number of Tengger people is about 600,000 and they live in 30 villages scattered in and around parks with smaller communities elsewhere in East Java.

For many visitors, Tengger’s rancid-faced, sun-burned, mustache-wrapped, poncho-like blanket ran on a pony with rugged mountains like its background, more like Peru than Indonesia! We provide Bromo Tour Package.

Roro Anteng and Joko Seger

The Javanese folktale says that in the 15th century, Princess Roro Anteng (daughter of King Majapahit Brawijaya) and her husband Joko Seger escaped to launch Islamic powers, which ended safely at Mount Bromo. Here they developed a new empire, and named it Teng-ger using parts from their respective family names.

The Kingdom of Tengger prospered and their religion developed, but the royal couple could not produce the heir to the throne. Desperately they pray and meditate in Bromo for a few days before the crater is opened and the almighty god Widi Wasa announces that they will be given children, on condition that the last sacrifice should be sacrificed back to the mountain. We provide Bromo Tour Package.

No less than 25 children were produced, but years later Roro and Joko broke his condition and refused to sacrifice their last victim, Prince Kesuma. A terrific eruption of Bromo followed and swallowed Kesuma into the crater. To appease the great God, Kesuma’s brothers and sisters held a sacrificial ceremony at the crater once a year, and this is still happening today – the famous Kasada ceremony is held on the full moon of the 12th (Kasada) month of the Tengger calendar.


If a landscape was ever needed to demonstrate the meaning of a lonely expression of purity, then surely this indeed is. Rough, barren volcanic peaks, gravel plains and sand oceans. Really worldly.

The park also covers a vast area that is very fertile and green is fed by rivers from high peaks. Medium elevations coated with thinner forests gave way to highlands and barren peaks.

Plants and Animals

In the most desirable part of the park (caldera and mountain peak) the flora and fauna are limited by the lack of vegetation. At lower altitudes and away from the ocean of sand, though there is a lush green valley with distinctive tropical forest flora. The elevation is higher before the end of the tree line is mostly covered by pine forest (casuarina).

In the valley, some leopard cat is present but rarely seen. Java deer deer, muntjac, marbled cats and wild pigs are among the mammals that are more likely to be seen by regular visitors. This park is not so famous for bird watching as everyone else in Java, but in the highlands you often see eagles and eagles soaring above the valley below. We provide Bromo Tour Package.


Temperatures are refreshing during the day but are blatantly cold at night because temperatures can drop to zero in the dry season and rarely above 5 ° C in the wet season. Daytime temperatures anywhere in the park never exceed 20 ° C with normal low teenagers.

The rain can go down anytime and the average rainfall average of 6.6m is best measured in meters, not mm! Most of which come in the rainy season though – November to March. During periods of heavy rainfall in January and February, many parts of the park are inaccessible due to flooding. Landslips is also a real problem in these times.

Eruption 2010/2011

In late 2010 and early 2011 volcanic ash and incandescent materials were thrown by eruption activity with heavy rain of volcanic material thrown around the crater. Continuous eruption on January 21 caused thin ash to fall mainly in Ngadirejo village and Sukapura Wonokerto area, Probolinggo regency. The impact of heavy rain and volcanic ash from eruptions during December 2010 and January 2011 resulted in disruption of normal activities and the local economy. The potential for environmental damage and long-term health problems among residents around Mount Bromo was very important at the time. We provide Bromo Tour Package.

Due to the high seasonal rainfall in January 2011 the potential of lava (lava cold) and lava flows (hot lava) increased due to sediment of volcanic ash, sand and other materials that he built. Activity is dominated by vibration vibration, ash eruption and incandescent release.

People living on the banks of the Boat River, Nganten Ravine and Sukapura Rivers are told of high lava flows, especially if there is further rain in the area around Cemorolawang, Ngadisari and Ngadirejo. Volcanic eruptions and volcanoes were reported on January 21 and January 22 with activity subside on January 23, 2011.

Source: wikitravel.

The park was reopened for visitors in April 2011.

Bromo Tour Package 2 days 1 night Best Price

Bromo Tour Package 2 days 1 night Best Price or Mount Bromo Tour Travel could be a favorite holidaymaker spot for disbursal time, that this place continues to be natural and funky, Bromo Tour (gunung bromo) is one amongst the volcano continues to be active and most noted not solely in country however additionally within the international.

As a holidaymaker attraction, up to currently Mount Bromo with the very best a pair of.392 M dpl, become engaging owing to this standing because the volcano continues to be active. the way to grasp for detail program of bromo tour package a pair of days one night, please check below.

Details of the trip Bromo Tour Package a pair of days one night is as follows:

Day 1. devour at Surabaya (SUB) – Bromo Tour space – edifice Bromo

Pickup from Surabaya (SUB) to Cemoro Lawang. Our team can warmly welcome your arrival at the railroad station or field Surabaya, proceed visit towards bromo tour Cemoro Lawang Probolinggo takes concerning three.5 hours, register at the edifice in Bromo, then it’s free program.

Day 2. Mt. Penanjakan (View point) – Bromo Sunrise Tour – Drop off Surabaya

Bromo Tour package (paket wisata bromo) starts at 03.00 within the morning. At 03:30 motorcar 4 wheel drive can bring you to Mt Penanjakan (view point). during this place is that the best spot to check the attractive sunrise, when quite happy with the sunrise followed back to the motorcar, then we tend to go direct to the Bromo crater, to require trekk with a length of half-hour to succeed in the crater of Bromo, when quite happy with the character of Mount Bromo back to the edifice for breakfast, when breakfast you clean up, verify from the edifice and travel to Surabaya. the program of Bromo Tour Package a pair of days one night is ends.

About Beautiful Mount Bromo in Indonesia

Mount Bromo is an energetic volcano and a part of the Tengger geological formation, in East Java, Indonesia. At 2, 329 metres (7, 641 ft) it’s not the best peak of the geological formation, however is that the most acknowledge. The geological formation ruang is one in all the foremost visited holidaymaker attractions in East Java, Indonesia. The volcano belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru park. The name of Bromo derived from Javanese pronunciation of Brahma, the Hindu creator god.

Mount Bromo sits within the middle of an apparent referred to as the ” ocean of Sand “, a protected nature reserve since 1919.

The distinctive thanks to visit Mount Bromo is from the near mountain village of Cemoro Lawang. We provide Bromo tour packages From there it’s potential to steer to the volcano in regarding forty five minutes, however it’s additionally potential to require associate unionized machine tur, which incorporates a stop at the perspective on Mount Penanjakan (2, 770 m or 9, 088 ft). the perspective on Mount Penanjakan may be reached on foot in regarding 2 hours.

Depending on the degree of volcanic activity, the Indonesian Centre for vulcanology and Disaster Hazard Mitigation generally problems warnings against visiting Mount Bromo.